Edinburgh Parkway Roadway Improvements

Year Completed:
Estimated December 2016

Chesapeake, Virginia



Summary: The project is located in the Pleasant Grove Borough of Chesapeake, Va. and privately funded. The project widened Edinburgh Parkway from two to four lanes to improve service to two new subdivisions. The work included 2.5 acres of clearing & grubbing, demolition of existing pavement and curb & gutter, 26,000 CY of earthwork, 13,600 tons of base, bedding or rip rap stone, 670 LF of 8” PVC gravity sanitary sewer, 3 sanitary manholes, 1,700 LF of 16” DI water line, 200 LF of 8” to 10” PVC & DI water line, 3,900 LF of 15” thru 72” RCP storm drain, 34 storm structures, 7,500 LF of curb & gutter, 7,100 tons of asphalt, modifications to existing traffic signals, pavement markings and new signage, erosion control, traffic control and final site restoration and seeding. The contract with HAV, Inc., owner, in the amount of $3,314,000 began May 2016.

530 Woodlake Circle
Chesapeake, VA 23320