Year Completed:
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Summary: Sherwood Lakes is a private residential development, with city utility participation, located in the Pungo region of Virginia Beach. This project involved development of approximately 250 acres, including 495,000 CY of earthwork, 37,000 tons of base or bedding stone, 13,000 LF of 8” gravity sanitary sewer, 58 sanitary manholes, 10,000 LF of 6”, 10” & 12” DI force main located in the paved two-lane section of Princess Anne Road, 14,000 LF of 4”, 6” & 8” DI water line, 16,000 LF of 15” thru 36” RCP & HDPE storm drain, 108 storm structures, 19,000 LF of curb & gutter, 8,500 tons of asphalt, associated erosion control, traffic control and final site restoration and seeding. The contract with HAV, Inc., owner, in the amount of $11,000,000 was completed January 2014.
- Ashbys Bridge Subdivision and Offsite Work
- Cedar Point Phase II Gravity Sewer, Force Main, and Pump Station Construction
- Centerville Commons Subdivision, Phase 3 and Offsite Waterline Extension
- Edinburgh Parkway Roadway Improvements
- Holly Acres Water and Vacuum Sewer Extension
- London Bridge Road
- Millville Road Sanitary Sewer Extension
- Oakbrooke Business and Technology Center
- Parkview Sewer and Water Rehabilitation
- Scott’s Creek
- Sherwood Lakes
- Woodlake Drive Extension